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Real-Time PCR Machine


Core:  Real-Time PCR Machine
Core Director:  Ryan Palumbo, PhD
Phone:  315-464-8736
Location:  4319 Weiskotten Hall Addition
Email:  palumbor@rajajalanan.com

Brief Description of Core:

The Vice President for Research has helped to support, and the Department of Biochemistry is housing a new Real-Time PCR machine that is available for use to people throughout the Upstate Research Community.  Users must receive training prior to use, and sign up for training via email to palumbor@rajajalanan.com.  Some details about the instrument capabilities are below.

The CFX384 Touch System is a 384-well RT-PCR instrument capable of singleplex and multiplex detection of nucleic acid targets. Reaction temperatures can be varied from well-to-well to allow for multiple experiments with different thermal parameters to be run on a single reaction plate. Reactions can be programmed and monitored using either the built-in touchscreen, or using CFX Maestro Software on a connected computer. CFX Maestro software can also be installed on any users PC or Mac, for use in data analysis and processing.


Recharge Cost

